SMB Enumeration

Mohit Agrawal
3 min readDec 3, 2021


SMB stands for server message block it is used for sharing the file b/w the computes, and the printers by default smb used a port no.139,445

port not:139 used sharing a file into a local network

port no:445 used for sharing a file over the IP network

In this enumeration, I am using kioptrix-1 in which smb version is vulnerable

our priority is to detect the version so there are so many ways which we can use to detect the smb version

port scan

nmap -v -p-

port no 139 is open in this machine

after knowing smb port is open next step is to find the version

nmap -v -p 139 -sC -sT -sV -A -O

we can’t get the version using nmap

using nc

nc -vv

in NC also we don't see the version

next we try Enum4Linux script

./ -t -a

here also we can’t see any kind of version info

so we try to make a null session using smbclinet

smbclinet -L //

it is showing the error so lets try another command

smbclient // — option=’client min protocol=NT1'

now this command shows us the share folders list we try to get into these folders

smbclient -N //$

failed to login

smbmap -H //

after attempting different methods we don't get the version info

now I am using a metasploit to get the version

here we get the version samba 2.2.1a

search the exploit related to the version exploit link is here

exploit is in c language download exploit and compile it

gcc 10.c -o 10

assign an execution permission

chmod +x 10

after compile run the exploit

./10 -b -c

  • b is for bruteforce , -c for ip

now we get the root shell



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